Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Endless Chatter

"Louie" our 2 year old foster son talks, ALOT! Around here, we are just not use to endless chatter. Our birth children have always been pretty quite. I suppose we are just a quiet family.

Once my mother in law asked me if I allowed them to speak in the car. She had just taken them somewhere and the silence was so shocking that she could hardly believe it. Yes, my children are allowed speak in the car. They just prefer to look out the window and think quiet thoughts. There is nothing wrong with that!

Louie is not quiet. He talks and he talks and he talks. I have to ask him to be quiet pretty often. He has a precious little voice, but really....I need quiet to think. I am mothering four children, I need to think!

We were in the car today running the girls to piano lessons, when I had a thought about all of Louie's talk.

This thing about my sweet little boy that drives me bonkers is the the thing that his mom probably misses the most.

I guess I can listen to the endless chatter. Although I still need a few quiet minutes to think, I am going to think about chatter in a new way from now on.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I Cry Every Single Time...

Tonight my family and I were sitting around watching a concert on CET. My parents introduced my girls to Celtic Women a few weeks ago, and they really enjoy their music. We watched them sing several beautiful songs, then they sang You'll Be in My Heart by Phil Collins.

Guess who is now watching with huge tears streaming down their face? That would be me. I cry every single time I hear that song.

The girls and I watched the Disney movie Tarzan a few years ago. BAD IDEA. I was nearly hysterical by the time the music was over. My children thought I had lost my mind.

There is something about the lyrics of this song that grab my heart strings when I hear it and PULL until I am crying buckets.

I remember hearing this song for the very fist time. It was August of 2000 and I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. I remember crying hysterically then too. I was driving at the time, so I made myself PULL IT TOGETHER and for safety's sake I did. But, something happened that day that changed me, and marked that song for me in a way that brings me to tears every single time I hear it.

It is all about being a mother. It starts by the humbling idea that God has allowed me to carry part of His Creation. I have been blessed to give birth to two amazing daughters, I have had two babies whisked away directly to heaven to wait for me there. This life giving experience has changed my life forever.

'Cause You'll be in my heart

You'll be in my heart

From this day on, now and forever more

Truer word have not been spoken of a mother's heart.

I must add, I heard this song twice today. The first time I did not cry. This may be the one and only time EVER! I was sitting in the salon having my hair cut. I thought it would be a very bad idea to sob hysterically when someone was using a VERY sharp pointy object so close to my head.