Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blessed By Bloggers

I admit I have a problem.  I have a blogging problem.  I read blogs constantly.  I am totally addicted to them.

That being said...there are a few blogs out there that have totally changed me in a profound way.

Yesterday's post from Kelly's Korner shook me down to my very soul. 

I am saved by the grace of God.  I have a good life.  God takes care of me.  I have a great family.  I have a faithful, loving husband.  I have four very HEALTHY children.  I am SO blessed. 

However, I am a glass have empty kind of gal. 

When I read the prayer requests that Kelly listed, my heart melted.  Shame came over me like an ocean wave.  I was especially moved by the story of little Tripp.  How Lord can that be?  How can a mother hold up when her marriage falls apart and her darling baby boy is hurting so much?  Her strength is from the Lord through the power of prayer.  But as for me,


I fall apart because my hormones are raging or because my house is a mess, or because my children are not being obedient.

But in the light of eternity, none of that really matters.

I am determined to live my tomorrows caring more about people than things.