Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Visit With Father

I am struggling with the SYSTEM this week.  It is an internal struggle, not a struggle with phone calls and emails, but a struggle none the less. 
Louie and My Man 

Louie's father was released from jail a few weeks ago.  Now he is accompanying Louie's mom on the weekly supervised visits.  Louie's father is a player.  He has no parenting skills and when he is around Louie's mom's parenting skills are restrained.(This info is from my Worker)  She is just not her self. 

 Oh and by the way, Louie's dad wants Louie to go and live with his mom.  He just has to prove his paternity first.....seriously...this child is named after you and your name is not on his birth certificate???  That just tells me you didn't even bother showing up when he was born.  No wonder he has mentioned you exactly once since he came to stay with us.  And that was just to tell me that when daddy pierced his  ear it hurt. 

Well, you might be wondering if all of this is having any effect on my darling 2 year old.  I can only say...Y..E..S!!! 

So now, we have gone back to the behaviors that we saw 5 months ago.  He is angry.  He is defiant.  He is sad. 

The system is not working for him.  In fact, I have yet to have a foster placement that the system really did have their best interest's at heart.

H E A R T    B R E A K I N G

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Lillies of the Field

These beauties are growing in my yard.  They remind me of words that Jesus spoke:

And why are you anxious about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow:  they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6:28 ESV

Life is Sweet?

We had strawberries for lunch today.

Some of them were really sweet.
Some of them were a little sour.
Aaaaahhhhh the taste of summer.
Someone got a little carried away with the "sour" face.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Louie is AIRBORN!

Summer is so much fun!
Especially where there is water involved!